My name is Andrew Taylor
I am a full-stack developer from the United Kingdom. I have been programming in some capacity since 1997, I have a 2.1 BSc. (Hons) Degree in Computing - Software Development and I have been a Professional Web Developer since 2005.
Previous owner of (too) many old cars. Gamer. Tinkerer. Dad. Built motornation.net, an online car strategy game. Enjoys making vector artwork. Serial Researcher.
After a solid 15+ years of being a professional software developer across both public and private sector organisations of all sizes I am now self-employed, running my former pet project full-time and loving wearing the many hats that entails!
I (still) intend to build up a website full of hints, tips and findings from what I've learnt in my career, my life and my endless brainstorming and researching of projects! So please watch this space!
- Andrew 05/07/2021 (Updated 04/12/2021)